Fields Applied industry Maturity Fields Others Medicine/ Pharmacy Fragrance and Cosmetic Science/ Health Care Life Science Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Information Engineering/ Computer Science and Information Management Mechanical Engineering/ Mode and Die Chemistry/ Chemical Engineering/ Materials Science Environment Science and Engineering/ Civil Engineering/ Architecture Ocean Engineering Aquaculture Industrial Engineering Physics/ Photonics/ Communication Engineering Management/ Law and Political Science/ Diplomacy/ Foreign Language Food Science Agricultural Biotechnology Industrial/ Product/ Digital Design Mode and Die Engineering Applied industry Mobility Aid Care Monitor Medicine/ Vaccine Cosmeceutical/ Health Care Medical Equipment/ Device Software/ Internet Telecom/ Communication Computer/ Electronic Components Optoelectronic/ Optic Semiconductor Petrochemical/ Plastic Metallurgy/ Material Metal Processing Synthesis/ Coating Pollution Control Green Energy/ Recycle Measurement/ Inspection Maturity Concept Shaping Prototype Trial Manufacture Trial Production Low-volume Production Mass Production Commercial Operation Clear
熱門推薦技術 Popular Technologies Trial Production Poly(n-isopropylacrylamide)-based 3D Printing Applications Concept Shaping AI-based Prediction Model with Retinography Prototype Trial Manufacture Portable Urine Analyzer Prototype Trial Manufacture Brilliant Device for Treating OSA Concept Shaping Alzheimer's Disease Assessment System Prototype Trial Manufacture Smartwatches for Diagnosing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Concept Shaping Bi-Specific Antibodies for Treating Cancer Prototype Trial Manufacture Adhesive biodegradable microneedle patch for aphthous stomatitis Trial Production Saccharide-based fluorescent probe (SFP)/ Cancer diagnosis for drug sensitivity test. Prototype Trial Manufacture Human-Presence detection radar technology Prototype Trial Manufacture Biomass energy; hydrogen production from waste biomass; recycling of cobalt and nickel metal from spent lithium iron batteries Prototype Trial Manufacture The improved TiO2 photocatalyst technology for CO2 reduction and wastewater treatment in a dual-chamber photoelectrochemical system. Prototype Trial Manufacture Covalent Organic Frameworks (COF), Functional Semiconducting Polymers for Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Water and Bio/Chemical Sensing